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Get To Grips With Your Money

Happy Money Mondays

Every Monday I share tips and tricks around the subject of 'money' - you'll see my latest tips below.

Having mentored 1000's of artist makers, I can tell you a couple of 'things' ALL of us struggle with - how to price our work correctly, how to manage our money & how to SELL!

It's time that changed! So one of my missions is to have more open discussions around the topic of all things money...on Mondays!

Get Money Help

Are Your Burying Your Head In The Sand When It Comes To Money, Paying Yourself & Pricing Your Work?

Join me for a one-to-one costings session where we'll look at how much your business ‘should’ cost to run; how to work out your hourly rate and price your work ‘correctly’; AND how to pay yourself a salary!
